There are a variety of security measures that can reduce the chance of your your motorbike being stolen, but a motorbike tracker may be the only thing to bring your bike back to you.

Retrofit together with its partners continually innovate our range of stolen vehicle recovery systems to ensure our motorbike customers can always have peace of mind. Choosing the best motorcycle tracker can mean the difference between getting your bike back in a matter of minutes, or never seeing it again, should you be unlucky enough to have it stolen.

When it comes to motorcycle security in Lichfield, we’ve got you covered!
Rather than taking a stolen motorbike straight back to their lock-up or home address, many thieves stash the machine somewhere nearby and watch for a few days to see if they are being tracked. This gives you a window of opportunity for recovery before your bike disappears forever.
Not all that long ago, vehicle trackers that could be monitored in real time were the reserve of TV shows and spy films. But as you’ll see in this page, the technology has become much more affordable and is accessible in one form or another to most bikers.
From all singing, all dancing systems that hard-wired into your bike and have a dedicated team on hand to call the police on your behalf, through to simple tags designed for finding lost keys but adapted for the task, at Retrofit there is an option for everyone.
A motorcycle tracking device is one of the most powerful devices available to prevent thefts before they happen. Having a tracking device installed helps recover motorcycles after they are stolen, a GPS tracker is the vehicle security product your bike should not be without.
At Retrofit we supply and install a variety of Thatcham-approved trackers, please contact us for further information on 0121 382 7720 or email us at:
I wanted to drop you an email to say how grateful I am for Kevin and all of his hard work and attention to detail when fitting the locks on my van. Someone recently tried to break into my work van, but thanks to your work and the dead locks you fit, they weren’t able to enter and all of my tools were kept safe.
The customer service I have received has been second to none and the dead locks you fit work brilliantly.
Thanks again


Retrofit Alarmacar
Head Office
652 Chester Road
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B73 5JR
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Phone: 0121 382 7720
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